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Перевод Примеры
ДуракИ бросаются очертЯ голову туда, куда и ангелы-то боЯтся ступИть // Не следует необдуманно и самонадеянно пусжаться в рисжованные мероприЯтия.

Не looked up at her with а small smile of contempt in his eyes. Не would not. trouble to answer this last charge. Gudrun too was silent in exasperated contempt. Ursula was such an insufferable outsider, rushing in where angels would fear to tread. But then- fools must Ье suffered, if not gladly. (Lawrence)

А good mаnу of mу main characters speak Manhattaпese fluently and idiomatically, have а rather common flair for rushing in where most damned fools fear to tread, and are, bу and large, pursued bу an Entity that l'd much prefer to identify. (Salinger)

The conversation turned upon football. At length, however, а plump woman (who was, in fact, no other than Mrs. Ruddle's friend, Mrs. Hodges) remarked, with that feminine impulsiveness which rushes in where the lords of creation fear to tread, "У ou lost а customer, seemin'ly, Mr. Gudgeon." (Sayers)

"What is the use of being audacious, unless one is sure'?" he asked irritably. "Only fools-" "Piunge in where good businessmen fear to tread," interrupted Baldur with а smile. ( Ca/dwe/1)

Imagine for а momеnt, Shakespeare's plays could bе recast in the language of Coleridge or Shelley ! How many people would rush in to worship where now they fear to tread! (Grove)